Field Notes
Walk Gently.
As you walk the trails remember to walk gently for you walk upon the future and you walk upon the past. Our ancestors who came before us walked here, hunted here, prayed here and shared their knowledge and love with others before us so that we could be here now. — Ignacio Cloudbreaker, APACHE
Walk gently as you walk upon this earth, take notice of the steps you take and all of your surroundings for everything here has a story to tell and because it has a story, it has a life. Pray for the life of these living things, for they give you life. Walk gently amongst the trees, the medicine, the food, the shade, and amongst our cousins and brothers and sisters the bears, the lions, the eagles, the deer, and all living creatures small and big for they are life and create balance, balance is love, love is sacred, love is gentle.
Creator, remind me to walk gently but with intent.
Law of Nature
"The basis of knowledge is the fire, rock, water, and green. But when that power was given to man, he used it to twist his own mind. Tunkashila gave man just one drop of that wisdom."
-- Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA
All of Nature has the wisdom to follow the Natural Laws. All of Nature knows how to live in harmony and use this wisdom in a good way, with exception of the human being. Often we misuse this wisdom. Wisdom always remains with those who use it in the proper way. Nature has used this wisdom well, so now we need to go to Her so we humans can relearn and change our lives. May we start doing this today, before it is too late.
Creator, let me be open to the lessons that Nature can teach me
This too will Pass
"We have an old saying, Everything living must die. Only the rocks and mountains are forever."
-- Archie Fire Lame Deer, LAKOTA
The Creator designed all life to happen in a circle. For example, the cycle of life for the human being is Baby, Youth, Adult, Elder, then we die. The trees and the leaves happen in a circle; the leaves bud, then the leaves mature, next the leaves change color, and at last they fall off the tree to return to the Mother Earth. The birds bear their young, raise their young, then they die. The salmon are born, swim to the ocean, live their lives, swim back to the spawning grounds, then die. All aspects of the Life Cycle should be honored.
Great Spirit, today, let me enjoy today